About Me

Who am I?

It’s hard to reply in a few lines. I am an Italian Biologist Nutritionist, but I am also a mother, a scientist, a traveller and a good food lover.

I bring all the different facets of my personality in my job: I have a genuine care for people, for their health and well-being. I’m curious in deepening nutrition topics. I’m a flavour explorer, I love cooking and tasting new dishes to be included in my meal plan. I use my knowledge about food, micro and macro nutrients, and their effects on health and disease, to help individuals and groups making the healthiest choices about what to eat.

 My studies and life

I was born in Rome in the 1986. I graduated in 2011 with honors in Biological Sciences, specialization in Genetics and Molecular Biology, at the University of Rome "la Sapienza". From 2009 to 2014, I took part to some major research projects at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. Here, at the end of 2014, I completed my PhD.

I was doing the job I had studied for, yet I was not satisfied. I started thinking about completely changing course, I needed a job that connected me to people and in which I could best express my potential.

At the beginning of 2015 I moved to Milan, home of my new beginning, where I specialized through the Master in Human Nutrition (Nutrifor).

When I approached the world of nutrition, I had the opportunity to combine my scientific knowledge (food composition, metabolism, function of nutrients, Mediterranean diet) with my love for cooking and eating tasty food.

In 2018 I start a collaboration with LILT (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori), a non-profit Italian organization involved in prevention campaign for cancer.

In May 2021 I moved, with my whole family, to the Netherlands. I feel ready and excited for this new challenge and motivated to export Mediterranean Diet to other lands!

 Key Life&Job Facts

From Italy, based in the Netherlands from May 2021. Biological Science Degree and Human Nutrition Master. Mother of 2 little girls. Healthy Lifestyle and Mediterranean Diet guide. Nutrition in the office project (company welfare). Collaboration with LILT in cancer prevention campaign. Kids recipes book published in 2020.

My Mission & My Know-how

My goal and mission. I would like to define myself as a Healthy Lifestyle and Mediterranean Diet promoter.

Eating is one of the basic needs and, at the same time, a pleasure for the senses. Nutrition has a strong impact on the health of body and mind, It had been deeply demonstrated the potential of Mediterranean Diet in the prevention of many pathology, weight loss, long-term sustainability and mind care.

 My mission is to help people to find their new lifestyle, leaving toxic diet culture behind but embracing new healthy habits: no food exclusion, no calories counting, practical tips, easy and tasty meal prep, nutrition plan shareable with family and friends.

 My Know-how. My approach include personalized nutritional plan based on my patient physiological needs, everyday life and food tastes and food and nutrition education (learning the principle of Mediterranean Diet) to promote healthy lifestyle.

My meal plan includes recipes and easy meal prep tips to show how healthy eating and tasty food can (must) live together, ensuring the sustainability of the diet.

Since knowledge is power, learning how to combine food to eat healthy let my patient to be free from diet and let them organize their meal in the way they like, without any guilty feeling or restriction.

I work with companies too, organizing workshop and lessons about nutrition and healthy habits.

Which is your need?


My nutritional intervention is addressed to:

Overweight and obesity;

Excessive thinness;

Metabolic disease;

Eating disorders;

Fertility, Pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Menopause (and possible osteoporosis) and old age; Vegetarian and vegan diet;

Nutrition in sport and gaining muscle mass;

Food and nutrition education.


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