Eating healthy is easy.

It is not a diet, it is not a phase, it is a permanent change.

Eating healthy means knowing and carefully choosing what we put in the cart and on the plate, with the awareness of how much this choice has a positive impact on our health, energy and mood.

Choosing a healthy diet is neither a restriction nor a renunciation. It is replacing wrong food choices with nutritious foods. Thanks to the wise use of delicious and balanced recipes and quality raw materials, you can vary between a myriad of tasty dishes. Let's not call it a diet but a NEW LIFESTYLE.

Follow Mediterranean Diet Guidelines

Avoid processed food, use less wheat and meat

Choose high quality, local and ecofriendly food

Cook it with care, use what is left

Eat balance meal, serve just enough

Don’t waste food

Share it


What do you need?

Change habits and tailored dietary plan (mediterranean, vegetarian and vegan diet)

Lose / gain weight and get back in shape

Prevent or address an established patho-physiological condition

Have more physical and mental energy

Nutrition for Sports (muscle mass increase, sports performance optimization)

Nutrition in Women (Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Menopause)

Weekly Meal Plan (for individuals and/or family)

Balanced Lunch Box for School

Food Education (workshops, webinars, lab)

Mediterranean Diet Cooking Lesson

I will be able to help you along this path by creating a tailored plan, designed on your needs and tastes.

In addition to the Mediterranean Diet guidelines, I will teach you:

to make a smart zero waste shopping aimed at saving and choosing quality raw materials

to create an organized pantry, to always have healthy and nutritious food available

to plan the week

optimizing time in the kitchen, taking advantage of the free hours to cook dishes for when you don't have time


For a long term sustainability of the new lifestyle, the plan will be easy and practical, varied and tasty and will leave space for conviviality.

“About ingredients and healthy / happy life”