First Consultation + Tailored Nutrition Plan

The interview will be online through Meet or Zoom or at my Studio in Hilversum (5’ walk from the station, in Naardestraat 84 at Casa Col).

It will last about 1 hour.

What will I ask about? Physio-pathological anamnesis (if possible I’ll take note of the latest blood test); Eating and life habits; Weight history; Anthropometric and weight measurement (a guide to take circumferences will be send before the consultation).

Tailored nutrition plan includes Mediterranean Diet Guidelines, Food and Meal Prep Tips, Meal Planning, Recipes. It will be sent by email within 5 working days.

Prices: € 175 (21% VAT incl)

Follow up consultation

The consultation will be online through Meet or Zoom. It will last 30 minutes.

The importance of follow up consultation should not be underestimated as they are essential to ensure adherence to the diet and achievement of the goal.

It will include: Anthropometric and weight measurement; comment on the progress of the diet, feelings and any difficulties, discussion about any changes needed to the plan.

Prices: € 70 or 3 follow up consultation package € 160 (21% VAT incl)

Changes to the Nutrition Plan

When there is the necessity of changing nutrition plan or vary the proposed recipes.

Prices: € 50 (21% VAT incl)

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